Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Meal Replacement

My weight has been holding right around 241 for the past 4 days. I have to remember that it is the Holidays and that I've been engaged in more than usual exposure to large quantities of rich food. I should be happy that I haven't gained anything! Still, I would like to at least get down below 240 if for no other reason than to say that I have lost the 20 lbs. I've gained since moving here last March. I feel like I need to at least lose 2 lbs. a week to feel like I'm making some progress. That's just my personal feeling. I can play a lot of games with my psyche to justify staying at 241 through December but the bottom line is Holiday or no Holiday, I'm in this to lose weight and I have made a pact with myself to keep on track with that. So here it is Wed. and I still need to lose a couple of Sunday in order to honor my commitment.

One sure way for me to lose weight fast is to replace one meal with the fat burner soup. I have two versions of this soup that are both delicious. One is chicken based and the other "original" version is  tomato based. I'm going to make the tomato based one today because I can add meat and spices that will turn it into a fat burner chili, which is awesome!

The soup is packed with nutrition and the cabbage provides a lot of fiber that aids in burning the fat. You can eat as much of this soup as you want and still lose weight. However if adding the ground beef to make the chili version, you should limit yourself to two bowls a day for weight loss. Still, it is a guaranteed weight loss meal that is filling and satisfying. I make large amounts of this soup, (8 quarts at a time), and can it to have around. There are plenty of versions of this soup on the internet but I prefer my version because it has mushrooms which I love, and they add so much taste without adding calories. If I'm going to go to the trouble of making and canning 8 quarts of something, I want for it to be something flavorful that I am absolutely going to enjoy eating. 

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